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Author(s): SILVA, I. J.; MEL, S. G. F. de; CABRAL, C. M.; FRANCINO, D. M. T.; LAVIOLA, B. G.; NERY, M. C. Canola is an oilseed crop of significant economic importance for food, feed production, and biodiesel, requiring high-quality seeds to ensure germination, uniformity, and productivity. This study eval... ... |
Author(s): VAZ JUNIOR, S.; BARRETO, A. E.; SAMPAIO, B. L. The lignin fraction of the lignocellulosic biomass corresponds to 15–30 % wt. This is largely obtained as a by-product of wood pulping to produce cellulose and paper, with the kraft process being the... ... |
Author(s): VAZ JUNIOR, S.; GALARZA, F.; POMPEU, G. C.; BARBOSA, H. P.; SUSSEL, A. A. B. The search for alternatives to conventional agrochemicals presents itself as an excellent opportunity to develop sustainable, carbon-neutral agricultural technologies and to open new businesses. The u... ... |
Author(s): ANJOS, S. S. N. dos; SANTOS, D. C. T. dos; PEREIRA, T. H. M. Objetivo: O objetivo principal do artigo é diagnosticar o estado da arte tecnológica de produção de hidrogênio (H2) a partir de algas para avaliação da competitividade no mercado de combustíveis renov... ... |
Author(s): FALCAO, R.; CAPDEVILLE, G. de; FRANCO, P. F.; FAVARO, L. C. de L. O microscópio de luz com óptica infinita que se conhece hoje é resultado de vários anos de desenvolvimentos, avanços tecnológicos e conhecimentos científicos envolvendo as áreas da óptica, matemática,... ... |
Author(s): SOUZA, A. P. R.; VAZ JUNIOR, S.; GRAVINA, E. G.; BAETA, B. E. L. The use of rubber septa for controlled release of semiochemicals has raised important discussions about their efficiency and environmental impact since they are composed of fossil raw material. The li... ... |
Author(s): MORAES, L. M. P. de; MARQUES, H. F.; REIS, V. C. B.; COELHO, C. M.; LEITÃO, M. de C.; GALDINO, A. S.; SOUZA, T. P. P. de; PIVA, L. C.; PEREZ, A. L. A.; TRICHEZ, D.; ALMEIDA, J. R. M. de; DE MARCO, J. L.; TORRES, F. A. G. In the context of industrial biotechnology, many bio-based products can be obtained as a result of bioprocesses using microorganisms as cell factories. Among these, yeasts stand out as one of the most... ... |
Author(s): DOURADO, C. P.; KAMIKAWACHI, R. C.; FERREIRA, M. J. P.; SARTORI, A. L. B.; RODRIGUES, C. M.; SPADARI, C. de C.; ISHIDA, K.; SANNOMIYA, M. The objective of this study was, therefore, to conduct a chemical analysis and assess the biological potential of the hydroethanolic extract obtained from the leaves of Machaerium villosum. Thus, this... ... |
Author(s): SIMÕES, J. C. T.; VAZ JUNIOR, S. The use of fossil fuels has generated large amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere, resulting in harmful environmental impacts. Faced with this situation, it is necessary to sea... ... |