Pineapple from Brasil - new cultivars for the Brazilian market (Phase II)
Pineapple from Brasil - new cultivars for the Brazilian market (Phase II)

Photo: JUNGHANS, Davi Theodoro
The project is a continuation of the genetic improvement program whose goal is to develop and launch fusariosis-resistant pineapple cultivars with fruit quality to ensure the supply of the domestic market with environmentally safe production and less application of agrochemicals.Three innovation solutions are proposed: genotypes with the potential to expand the genetic base of cultivation in Brazil, cultivars adapted to the main production hubs; and a large-scale production system to provide healthy pineapple cultivar seedlings.To achieve these solutions, new hybrids will be developed with agronomic characteristics more favorable to producers (productivity and adaptability to edaphoclimatic conditions) and high acceptance by consumers (external appearance and fruit quality). Conventional methods of genetic improvement by hybridization and selection will be used. New sources of resistance to fusariosis will be evaluated in the first two years of the project (2022-2023) and incorporated into the breeding program after evaluating the agronomic behavior and fruit quality, until the end of the project (2025).
Status: In progress Start date: Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021 Conclusion date: Sun Aug 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2025
Head Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits
Project leader: Davi Theodoro Junghans