14/11/19 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Netherlands - Brazil research analyzes exploring rhizosphere microbiomes for sustainable wheat production

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Photo: Rodrigo Mendes

Rodrigo Mendes - Trippenhuis, the headquarters of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, where the meeting took place

Trippenhuis, the headquarters of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, where the meeting took place

Rodrigo Mendes, head of R&D of Embrapa Environment, participated in the 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Research Program PROMISE (Promoting Root Microbes for Integrated Striga Eradication) as member of the Scientific Advisory Board, November 4 - 6 , at Trippenhuis, the headquarters of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

According to the researcher, in addition to his work in the committee, he also made a technical visit to NIOO KNAW to discuss the continuity of scientific collaboration including the planning of new experiments in the scope of the project “Exploring rhizosphere microbiome for sustainable wheat production”, which has the participation of the Dutch team and biological assets being field tested. He also participated in a meeting to establish international cooperation with the University of Leiden.

Such actions aim at strengthening international collaboration on the topic, towards facilitating solutions for sustainable Brazilian agriculture. The researcher stated that "exploring plant microbiomes with the aim of developing agricultural processes and practices and generating biological assets will allow a reduced use of synthetic chemical products to fight pests and diseases, reduced risk of environmental contamination, increased food security, expanded trade to more demanding markets, incremented nutrient use efficiency for the plants, and increased profitability in agribusiness.

The cooperation and the vantage point in the subject was evidenced by a publication on Science magazine in early November (https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6465/606), in which Embrapa Environment is a coauthor.

About the Program
PROMISE is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and coordinated by NIOO with the participation of research groups in the Netherlands, United States and Ethiopia. The goal of the programme is to improve the livelihood of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, by increasing the productivity of sorghum, exploring the potential of beneficial soil microbes.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Cristina Tordin (MTB 28499)
Embrapa Environment

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