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Com o objetivo principal de aumentar a qualidade e a produtividade da maçã brasileira, foram gerados subsídios importantes ao setor produtivo para o estabelecimento de tecnologias apropriadas ao manejo da planta e do fruto. Além disso, foram desenvolvidos estudos fundamentais relacionados aos aspectos moleculares e fisiológicos da qualidade do fruto, visando ampliar conhecimentos acerca de fenômenos que ocorrem nas frutas durante sua vida pós-colheita. Em termos de resultados principais, destaca ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/02/2011 |
This project aims to contribute to improving the management, quality and biosafety of commercial egg-laying barns, through the implementation of best practices in production and in the training of technicians and farmers. It is aimed at smallholders and mid-sized family farmers whose egg production derives from hens raised in traditional aviaries (California-type layer cages). Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2015 |
Pastures assume a prominent position in the Brazilian agricultural scenario. The area occupied by forage plants accounts for three quarters of the national agricultural area. Pasture, as an exclusive food source, is the basis for nearly 90% of the beef consumed in Brazil and most of the milk produced in the country. It is estimated that, in Brazil, the grasses of the Brachiaria genus are cultivated in approximately 84 million hectares. Despite the nationwide importance of this grass for Status: Completed Start date: 01/12/2012 |
Milk is a complex substance that presents different characteristics depending on the management of animal factors. The alizarol test is typically used at collection points, which often generates divergences between the industry and farmers because of faulty results and subjectivities. More refined tests are only accomplished in laboratories when the milk reaches the industry. A very critical problem is the occurrence of Unstable Non-Acid Milk (UNAM), as there are changes in the milk's physical-c Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2018 |
Factors associated with environment and management and those directly related to animals, such as the health of the mammary gland, have major influence on milk quality. In dairy herds, the prevalence of mastitis can easily reach values of 70%, which causes loss of production, alteration in milk composition, increased somatic cell count (SCC) and to a lesser intensity, increased total bacterial count (TBC) in wholesale milk. The objective of the team in this project was to carry out a phase I and Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2011 |
The Compost Barn system has the purpose of reducing costs in the implementation and maintenance of animal facilities, improving herd production and sanitary indices, and enabling the correct use of dairy farming organic waste (feces and urine). The system consists of a large covered space for the cows to rest. The floor is covered with sawdust, wood cutting scraps and composted manure. The main objective of Compost Barn is to ensure comfort to the animals and a dry place for them to stay during Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2015 |
Cowpeas, peanuts and bambara groundnuts ( Vigna subterranea) are important pulses or dry grain legumes in the West of Africa; hence low cost technologies that increase their productivity could entail major nutritional and social impacts. Field experiments conducted in Ghana, in Africa, have shown 40% to 100% increments to production, after the use of rhizobium inoculants supplied by Embrapa. Status: Completed Start date: 01/08/2014 |
The objective is to establish a pilot network project for the production and distribution of manivas-cassava seed, with genetic and phytosanitary quality, to serve beneficiary families of the "Brazil Without Misery Plan" and to promote the increase of the supply of cassava to the Self-consumption of these families. Status: Completed Start date: 01/05/2014 |
The consumer market is becoming increasingly demanding regarding the production conditions (environment, health and safety of foods). These health and safety demands on animal welfare come from "the outside to the inside" and may indirectly represent a setback in the market and consumption of products of animal origin. This project's goal is to develop technologies to improve the welfare of the animals, the meat quality and decrease quantitative and qualitative losses related to pre-slaughter ha ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2007 |
In last the two decades, the melon agribusiness in Brazil has expanded nine times, reaching a production that is estimated at 500,000 tons per year and is concentrated in the Northeast. Since 2007, melons have become the main national fruit in volume of exports, and in 2008 Brazil was the second top world exporter. Nearly all melon cultivars planted in the Northeast are imported, and hence there is demand for more adapted ones, as the cultivars available were generally developed in soil and clim Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2012 |