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Embrapa Units

Brazil is the fifth largest producer of milk in the world with 35 billion liters produced in 2015. However, Brazilian dairy farmers still need improve milk quality and reduce production costs. One of the major limiting factors to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of milk production in Brazil is the management of dairy farms. In this context, Embrapa Gado de Leite developed, in partnership with the Central Cooperative of Rural Producers of Minas Gerais -(Cooperativa Central dos Produtor

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/05/2018

A few years ago the carmine cochineal was introduced in the Northeast of Brazil, and its population slowly expanded across the forage cactus plantations of that region. With the occurrence of suitable growth conditions during the drought of 2012, such scale insect reached the condition of pest, and decimated or compromised the productivity of thousands of hectares of forage cactus. It is interesting to note that the long period without drought influenced farmers to neglect the renovation of thei

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2015

The exploration of milk whey resulting from cheese-making has increased in Brazil due to the setup of industrial units where whey and byproducts are concentrated and dried. However, the volume of whey that is discarded or underused is still extremely high, notably at small dairies. This project aims to survey the volume and quality of the milk whey generated in the largest cheese-producing regions of the country, located in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. It als

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2013

Development programs aimed at increasing production, improve milk quality and assist genetic selection of livestock are strategic initiatives to modernize the dairy chain in Brazil. Farmers, mostly family-scale, need special guidance to access technological information and training programs to increase production and improve productivity of the dairy herd. In addition, action plans and strategies to improve milk quality are essential in order to promote their inclusion in the formal dairy market

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/03/2013

Failures to transmit information significantly impair the coordination and interaction between the different agents in the milk production chain. A large number of nationally based companies and a myriad of producers and policy makers face the challenge of structuring themselves for competition in a globalized business world. The main objective of the project was to provide information, structural analysis and monitoring of conjunctural developments in the milk production chain, in order to meet

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

Sugarcane is one of the most economical alternatives for off-season roughage feeding, which, whenever corrected, can become a feeding solution for animals with average production, even with the managerial difficulties of daily harvesting, regrowth handling, need for extra labor or specialized machinery, need to complete harvest within the same cycle, in addition to the risk of fire in the crop fields, all of which can be corrected. A correction alternative is sugarcane ensiling and nutritional e

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

The project aimed to use and develop methodologies for expansion and training of multipliers in dairy farming to make reach the farmers products, processes and technologies already generated by Embrapa Dairy Cattle, thus contributing to the improvement of life in the countryside. The strategy was focused on partnership and cooperation among institutions for the development and use of innovative and traditional mechanisms to modernize the dairy production chain in Brazil. Technology transfer was

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2011

The Showcase of Dairy Technologies was assembled in the headquarters of Embrapa Dairy Cattle, located in the following address: Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, 610, bairro Dom Bosco, Juiz de For a MG. With an area of 81 m2, it uses modern, interactive, and didactic resources such as games, illustrated panels and videos. Its purpose is to promote the teaching of science, technology and innovation by means of the dairy agro-industrial chain in a clear and objective way. The Showcase is the representati ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2011

Concentrated feeds play an important role in milk production, both from the nutritional as the economic aspects, especially for animal production. The behavior of corn and soybean meal prices, for instance, have an important weight in the formation of milk production costs and consequently on the profitability of dairy farming. The current agricultural markets have shown a rise in prices of these grain-based brans. Milk production in Minas Gerais appears as one of the most important activities f

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

In recent decades, there has been a reduction in the consumption of some animal products due to the search for healthy products. In the case of dairy products, fat is an important source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a set of bioactive isomers, some with beneficial effects for human health, for example, in the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's. The manipulation of ruminant diet has been the used alternative to change milk composition and, thus, producing CLA-rich milk products. Add

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2011