
12/08/15 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Technical cooperation aims to identify resistant tomato lineages

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Photo: Henrique Carvalho

Henrique Carvalho -

The assessment of resistance to root knot nematodes, to bacterial speck and to the tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) in tomato lineages for industrial processing is the object of the contrat between Embrapa Vegetables (Brasília-DF) and Vivati Plant Breeding, a company that works on research on tomato breeding. Signed in July 2014 and valid until January 2016, the contract established between the two parties is carried out by the researchers Alice Quezado, Alice Nagata and Jadir Pinheiro.

The ongoing assessment activities comprise essays for the study os the lineages. "The part on the nematode and the virus has already been conducted, we are now proceeding to assess resistance to bacterial speck", explains the first researcher, for whom the partnership could be deemed more like a provision of services "of interest for both parties".

According to her, the fact that Vivati is a Brazilian company creates more possibilities to offer tomato varieties that are more adapted to tropical conditions to the production chain for industrial processing. On the company's side, Quezado highlights the opportunity to advance in studies on breeding, considering Embrapa's experience in plant pathology and the corporation's collection of national pathogens established from projects aimed at surveying pathogens in the country, which contributes for a more criterial assessment of the lineages in question.

Another advantage concerns the pre-existing interaction between the two institutions. "Before this official assignment, we had been in contact with Vivati Plant Breeding, which has continuously visited us for consultations and/or brought samples for diagnoses", she observes. The researcher thinks that keeping the doors open to the different links in the production chain – farmers, seed companies, breeding companies - is part of the process, "since they are all our clients".

Anelise Macedo (MTB 2749/DF)
Embrapa Vegetables

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