Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS G20)
The G20 is the world's leading forum that discusses aspects of global economic governance with the ability to influence the international agenda. The G20 nations combined represent about 80% of the global economy, two thirds of the world's population and include: South Africa, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, United States, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, Russia, Turkey, African Union (newly admitted) and the European Union.
The presidency of Brazil at the G20 in 2024 brings forth priority issues for the current Brazilian government, with the theme "Building a just world and a sustainable planet" including the fight against hunger, poverty and inequality; the three dimensions of sustainable development (i.e. economic, social and environmental dimensions); and the reform of global governance.
The MACS-G20 (Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists) event is the annual meeting of the top executives of G20 countries' agricultural research organizations under their respective ministries of Agriculture or similar bodies, for high-level discussions focused on research and development in the field of agriculture, in order to give global visibility to food security issues and promote joint actions internationally.
Therefore, the event is not open to the general public.
Considering that the member country that holds the annual rotating presidency of the G20 is Brazil this year, and as determined by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), Embrapa is the main coordinator/organizer of the 2024 MACS-G20 event, with the support and guidance of Mapa and the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE).
About the event
May 15 - 17, 2024
+55 (61) 3448-4216
Session 1 - Science and Agriculture
Session 2 - Food Security and Agrifood Systems
Session 3 - Climate Change and Agrifood Systems Resilience
Session 4 - Forward looking
Theme 1. Agrifood systems: nexus and transformations needed, by Rodrigo Lima (slides were not used)
Theme 2. Global alliance against Hunger and Poverty - Brazilian proposal, by Renato Godinho
News report 16/05/2024
Under Brazil's leadership, Global Alliance against Hunger gathers momentum
The idea is to join efforts to put successful experiences worldwide to practice -
News report 15/05/2024
Especialistas defendem no G20 medidas de adaptação para mudanças do clima
É inegável que o Brasil fez progressos para enfrentar os desafios da agricultura para adaptação e mitigação às mudanças climáticas, como a transformação do Zoneamento Agrícola de... -
News report 15/05/2024
“Paz global também é uma questão de ciência”, diz Nobel da Paz durante reunião do G20 em Brasília
O professor emérito da Universidade de Ohio (EUA) Rattan Lal afirmou que as guerras têm causado grandes prejuízos aos solos mundiais. “Precisamos falar mais sobre isso. A paz global também é uma questão de ciência”, defendeu o pesquisador hindu-americano, que conquistou o Nobel da Paz em 2007 por sua participação no Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC).
*Content only available in Portuguese
De acordo com dados de 2013 da FAO, mais de 868 milhões de pessoas não consomem alimentos em quantidade suficiente para suprir suas necessidades diári ...
*Content only available in Portuguese
Este projeto tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento rural sustentável e solidário em comunidades rurais do Território de Sobral por meio de meto ...
*Content only available in Portuguese
A ideia central da agricultura moderna é a sustentabilidade, o que redireciona a pesquisa agropecuária e florestal para a geração e uso de alternativa ...
Heat together with high humidity is one of the causes of reductions in milk production and cattle fertility, especially in summer or in tropical and s ...
Assets for partnerships
Food and drinks | Food and Drinks (Others)
Bacterial cellulose nanofiber-based film from tilapia gelatin
Bacterial cellulose nanofiber-based film with peptide is biodegradable, edible (it is not toxic to Caco-2 cells), and active (it presents antioxidant activity). It also presents a ...
Level on the TRL/MRL scale: 4
Plant production | Agrochemicals
Bioactive compounds of essential oils to control wheat blast
Clove basil (Ocimum gratissimum), pepper-rosmarin (Lippia sidoides) and carnation (Danthus caryophyllus L.) have bioactive substances that can promote in vitro inhibition of P. gri ...
Level on the TRL/MRL scale: 4
Plant production | Management
Bioactive compounds of pepper rosmarin essential oil to control fusarium head blight in wheat
The antifungal activity of four essential oils was tested in the laboratory: Ocimum gratissimum (clove basil), Lippia sidoides (pepper rosmarin), Lippia alba (bushy matgrass) and D ...
Level on the TRL/MRL scale: 4
Plant production | Cultivars
BRS 401 table cassava
Cultivar of high yield potential, precocity, pink-colored root pulp, reduced cooking time, good culinary qualities, plant architecture that favors crop treatments, easy harvest, an ...
Level on the TRL/MRL scale: 9
*Content only available in Portuguese
Agricultural practice
Conjunto de informações sobre a produção e o armazenamento de sementes de Cratylia argentea (Desv.) O. Kuntze. Essa espécie é uma legumin...
*Content only available in Portuguese
Agricultural System
Trata-se de um conjunto de orientações técnicas que constituem a base de um sistema de produção que busca otimizar a produtividade por unidade de ...
*Content only available in Portuguese
O sistema AgroTag é uma iniciativa da Embrapa e da Plataforma Multi-institucional de Monitoramento das Reduções de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Est...
*Content only available in Portuguese
Trata-se do mapeamento das Zonas Agroecológicas para uso agropecuário intensivo ou semi-intensivo do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), publicado ...