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Autoria: CASTELIANI, A. G. B.; KAVAMURA, V. N.; MORAIS, J. F. A.; SILVA, J. L. da; PANSA, C. C.; MELO, I. S. de Abstract: Naturally occurring epiphytic microorganisms display different colonization strategies. Studies report their potential in acting as biocontrol agents through several mechanisms such as compe... ... |
Autoria: PEDROSO, A. de F.; NUSSIO, L. G.; PAZIANI, S. de F.; LOURES, D. R. S.; IGARASI, M. S.; COELHO, R. M.; PACKER, I. H.; HORII, J.; GOMES, L. H. Sugar cane silages are characterized by extensive yeast activity, alcohol production and great dry matter - DM - losses. Better knowledge of the fermentation process is fundamental to the development... ... |
Autoria: CASTELIANI, A. G. B.; KAVAMURA, V. N.; ZUCCHI, T. D.; SÁBER, M. L.; NASCIMENTO, R. dos S.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; TAKETANI, R. G.; MELO, I. S. de Abstract: The increase on the worldwide influx of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) has inflicted a considerable challenge, due to its deleterious effects to live beings and pose a special threat to... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES, L. M.; MEDEIROS, A. L. R. G. de; RIBEIRO, L. B. D. de A.; SANTOS, I. M. G.; ALVES, L. M.; FAVARO, L. C. de L. The Collection of Microorganisms and Microalgae Applied to Agroenergy and Biorefineries (CMMAABio) constantly works to add value to the Brazilian microbial biodiversity conserved in its installation.... ... |
Autoria: MELO, I. S. de; SOUZA, W. R.; SILVA, L. J.; SANTOS, S. N.; ASSALIN, M. R.; ZUCCHI, T. D.; QUEIROZ, S. C. do N. de Abstract: Aims: Epiphytic bacteria, isolated from Deschampsia antarctica, were screened for their potential to inhibit the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold disease of str... ... |
Autoria: MAZAROTTO, E. J.; PIMENTEL, I. C.; ABREU, D. C. A. de; SANTOS, A. F. dos Peroba rosa (Aspidosperma polyneuron) is a native forest species endangered due to intense predatory exploitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association and fungi transmission in... ... |
Autoria: LIOTTI, R. G.; MELLO, I. S.; PIETRO-SOUZA, W.; FIGUEIREDO, M. I. S.; SILVEIRA, B. A. V.; SILVA, F. A.; BICHARA, K. P. de A.; ALMEIDA, E. G.; SILVA, G. F. da; SOARES, M. A. The rhizosphere is the soil region subject to influence of exudates released by plants and microorganisms (epiphytic and endophytic). In addition, this region has large variety of bacteria that can co... ... |
Autoria: FREIRE, Í. A.; MENDES, T. D.; MIDORIKAWA, G. E. O.; SILVA, C. P. da; QUECINE, M. C.; FAVARO, L. C. de L. Here, we evaluated in vitro different Bacillus strains and related genera (Paenibacillus, Peribacillus, and Alkalihalobacillus) for their ability to mineralize insoluble organic P sources. A total of... ... |
Autoria: BARBOSA, A. G.; NASCIMENTO, R. dos S.; MELO, I. S. de Resumo: O cultivo de milho (Zea mays) está entre as mais importantes culturas do mundo, e o Brasil está em terceiro lugar na produção mundial. Com o advento da biotecnologia foram desenvolvidas planta... ... |
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