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Autoria: ANDRADE, V. P. M. de; SILVA, J. A. B. da; SOUZA, J. S. C. de; OLIVEIRA, F. F.; SIMOES, W. L. The viticulture in the semiarid region of Brazil stands out in the country due to the expansion of its cultivated area and increased production, especially in the sub-mid São Francisco Valley. However... ... |
Autoria: NUNES, R. de S.; SOUSA, D. M. G. de; GOEDERT, J. W.; OLIVEIRA, L. E. Z.; PAVINATO, P. S.; PINHEIRO, T. D. The forms in which phosphorus (P) accumulates in soils are dependent on management practices, fertilizer sources, and methods of application, which may promote distinct P solubility and plant uptake.... ... |
Autoria: MARCHI, G.; FIALHO, J. de F.; REIN, T. A.; VIEIRA, E. A.; SANTOS JUNIOR, J. de D. G. dos; SOUZA-SILVA, J. C.; MALAQUIAS, J. V.; SILVA, D. R. G. The current farm management practices used to cultivate cassava, in a farm from Lago Oeste, Federal District, increased soil pHwater value to 7.11, lowering Mn availability to plants, leading to low r... ... |
Autoria: COUTINHO NETO, A. M.; COUTINHO, E. L. M.; ORIOLI JÚNIOR, V.; CORÁ, J. E.; SILVA, A. R. B. e; SCATOLIN, M. The nitrogen (N) utilization by maize grown in a no-tillage system is dependent on the quality of the preceding crop residues, which may promote differences in N fertilization efficiency with respect... ... |
Autoria: WADT, P. G. S.; DELARMELINDA, E. A.; PEREZ, D. V.; BURITY, K. T. L. While many software platforms aim to refine fertilization strategies, a significant number focus solely on soil fertility and nutrient outflow, inadvertently overlooking vital elements like water avai... ... |
Autoria: RANGEL-VASCONCELOS, L. G. T.; KATO, O. R.; VASCONCELOS, S. S.; OLIVEIRA, F. de A. Improvement of fallow vegetation can have a positive impact on the productivity of slash-and-mulch systems in eastern Amazonia. Phosphorus fertilization can increase biomass and nutrient stocks in the... ... |
Autoria: SILVEIRA, P. M. da; NASCENTE, A. S.; STONE, L. F.; CARVALHO, M. da C. S. In Brazilian Savannas (Cerrado), soil is managed in a sustainable way with built fertility and the demand for new fertilization will essentially involve the replacement of exported compounds through h... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA JUNIOR J. B. de; GUERRA, J. G. M.; GOULART, J. M.; SILVA, L. O. da; ESPINDOLA, J. A. A.; ARAUJO, E. da S. his work aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of fermented composts formulated with brewery waste (RC) with castor bean bran (FM) or Gliricidia sepium leaf bran (FG) in the fertilization of butt... ... |
Autoria: NUNES, T. C. M. D.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; SILVA, T. G. F. da; VOLTOLINI, T. V.; GOIS, G. C.; ARAÚJO, C. de A.; ZANINE, A. de M.; FERREIRA, D. de J.; PEREIRA, D. M.; SANTOS, F. N. de S.; PARENTE, H. N.; TURCO, S. H. N.; PARENTE, M. de O. M.; CAMPOS, F. S. Brackish water can promote physicochemical changes in the soil. Aiming to mitigate the effect of excess salts in the soil, the use of organic matter promotes restructuring. The aim was to evaluate the... ... |
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