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Autoria: FREITAS, J. A. M.; MENDONÇA, G. M. N.; SANTOS, L. B.; ALONSO, J. D.; MENDES, J. F.; BARUD, H. S.; AZEREDO, H. M. C. de Edible films have been studied mainly as primary packaging materials, but they may be used as barrier layers between food components, e.g., by reducing the moisture migration between components with c... ... |
Autoria: MONTEIRO, M. L. G.; DELIZA, R.; MARSICO, Eliane T.; ALCANTARA, M. de; CASTRO, I. P. L.; CONTE-JUNIOR, C. A. his study aimed to investigate Brazilian consumers' perception concerning foods processed by ultraviolet (UV) radiation and ultrasound (US) and define consumer segments considering their socioeconomic... ... |
Autoria: CHAICOUSKI, A.; LAZZAROTTO, M. Yerba-mate is a plant from the south of South America that has in its constitution substances with several biological properties such as stimulant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. These properties... ... |
Autoria: MATOS, M. C. de; MEDEIROS, J. A. de; SANTOS, L. B.; AZEREDO, H. M. C. de In multicomponent foods having both moist and dry components (e.g., pizzas and tacos), moisture migration between components causes undesirable texture changes (e.g., loss of crispiness of the dry com... ... |
Autoria: BOLFE, E. L.; SILVA, J. F. V.; SAUTIER, D.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; MACARIO, C. G. do N. ABSTRACT. There is limited and segmented access to information regarding the diversity of responsible and sustainable agrifood products in Brazil. There is a growing need to bridge the communication g... ... |
Autoria: PRIORI, D.; VALDUGA, E.; VIZZOTTO, M.; VALGAS, R. A.; BARBIERI, R. L. Squash is a food that meets the requirements of a healthy diet and is highly appreciated by consumers for its mild flavour and high nutritional value. In southern Brazil, many farmers grow several pum... ... |
Autoria: ASCHERI, J. L. R.; BAZÁN COLQUE, R. J.; SOUSA, L. B. T. de; ASCHERI, D. P. R.; SILVA, E. M. M. da
Autoria: BESSA, M. J.; HAAS, S.; RAMOS, S. C.; ROCHA, R.; RECH, D. V.; REBELATTO, R.; DUARTE, S. C.; COLDEBELLA, A.; VAZ, C. S. L. Abstract: Campylobacter is not routinely tested in foodborne disease investigations in Brazil. Here, we studied the occurrence of Campylobacter among other food-related bacteria commonly found in food... ... |
Autoria: LORANDI, S.; GIRARDON, J. C.; MAIER, J. C.; AVILA, V. S. de
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