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Autoria: SANTOS, M. A. V.; ANDRADE JÚNIOR, V. C. de; GUIMARÃES, A. G.; BRITO, O. G.; TAULA, A. J. V.; COSTA, R. A.; ALVES, J. P. R.; SILVA, N. O.; RESENDE, F. V. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the phenotypic correlations between agronomic characters of garlic (Allium sativum) and to carry out the path analysis, using commercial bulb yiel... ... |
Autoria: BESSA, A. T. M.; NEGREIROS, M. Z. de; LOPES, W. de A. R.; RESENDE, F. V.; NUNES, G. H. de S.; PAIVA, L. G. de; LIMA, M. F. R. de; PAULINO, R. da C.; GRANGEIRO, L. C. Degeneration is dependent on the production season and locality; thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the degeneration of virus-free garlic cultivars grown in the Semiarid region of the No... ... |
Autoria: TAULA, A. J. V.; ANDRADE JÚNIOR, V. C. de; RESENDE, F. V.; BRITO, O. G.; SILVA, J. C. de O.; PERREIRA, A. G. The objective of this work was to assess the agronomic performance, flowering capacity and genetic divergence of 13 experimental garlic accessions bred in Brazil. The experiment was laid out as a comp... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, D. de F.; GRANGEIRO, L. C.; RESENDE, F. V.; OLIVEIRA, R. R. T.; MORAIS, E. G.; SANTOS, E. da N.; QUEIROZ, G. C. M. de; SILVA, I. B. M.; SOUSA, L. M. da S.; FERREIRA, E. de S.; CARMO, L. H. de A.; MEDEIROS, G. B. F. de; GONÇALVES, F. das C.; COSTA, R. M. C. Early garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivars are an alternative for growing this vegetable in low-altitude semi-arid regions, due to its lower requirement for mild temperatures and photoperiod. However,... ... |
Autoria: MARODIN, J. C.; RESENDE, F. V.; GABRIEL, A.; SOUZA, R. J. de; RESENDE, J. T. V. de; CAMARGO, C. K.; ZEIST, A. R. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and production of a garlic clone subjected to either infection or virus-free conditions, according to bulb and clove size classification. The expe... ... |
Autoria: LUÍS, M. A. S.; NEGREIROS, M. Z. de; RESENDE, F. V.; PAULINO, R. da CRUZ; LOPES, W. de A. R.; PAIVA, L. G. dE A field experiment was developed from May to September 2018 with the objective of evaluating the use of mulching in early garlic cultivars in semiarid conditions. |
Autoria: ANDRADE JUNIOR, V. C. de; GUIMARÃES, A. G.; FIRME, T. D.; COSTA, A. A. A.; COSTA, M. R. da; LOPES, T. K.; SOUZA, R. J. de; RESENDE, F. V. Thus, the objective of this work was to perform genotypic, phenotypic correlations and path analysis under commercial yield of garlic bulbs, depending on morphological and agronomic variables. The exp... ... |
Autoria: NASSUR, R. de C. M. R.; VILAS BOAS, E. V. de B.; RESENDE, F. V. The aim of this study was to evaluate quality and nutritional changes on bulbs before and after the transformation in black garlic, presenting the new product for the consumer, evaluating the purchase... ... |
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