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Autoria: LAIGNIER, F.; AKUTSU, R. de C. C. de A.; MALDONADE, I. R.; PACHECO, M. T. B.; SILVA, V. S. N.; MENDONÇA, M. A.; ZANDONADI, R. P.; RAPOSO, A.; BOTELHO, R. B. A. This study aimed to develop gluten-free bread samples using different concentrations of Amorphophallus konjac flour (0%, 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50% of the total flour content) and to evaluate their nu... ... |
Autoria: QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; MENEZES, C. B.; SILVA, C. S.; MIGUEL, R. A.
Autoria: CENTENO, A. C. L.; AGUIAR, E.; SANTOS, F.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; CONTI-SILVA, A.; KRUPA-KOZAK, U.; CAPRILES, V. This study aims to investigate the potential of white and bronze whole-grain sorghum flour to develop gluten-free bread (GFB) with acceptable sensory properties. Two 22 factorial designs, with two cen... ... |
Autoria: BASSINELLO, P. Z.; CARVALHO, A. V.; RIOS, A. de O.; MACIEL, R. de A.; BERRIOS, J. de J. The effect of extrusion operating conditions on main quality properties of gluten-free expanded snack-type products, developed from rice grits and bandinha flour formulations, was studied. The protein... ... |
Autoria: COMETTANT-RABANAL, R.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de; ASCHERI, J. L. R.; HIDALGO CHÁVEZ, D. W.; GERMANI, R. Whole grain flours of maize, rice and sorghum were processed by thermoplastic extrusion at 25% of moisture and milled into pre-cooked whole grain fine flours. Their pasting and farinograph properties... ... |
Autoria: AGUIAR, L. A. de; RODRIGUES, D. B.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; MELO, L.; PINELI, L. de L. de O. Rapid descriptive methods have emerged as a relatively simple alternative for screening the sensory attributes of products that drive their liking, and may contribute to identify sorghum genotypes wit... ... |
Autoria: GALDEANO, M. C.; FELBERG, I.; LOBÃO, N.; PEREIRA, S. Este livro é o resultado do esforço em transformar, com carinho, a pesquisa realizada em laboratório em receitas saborosas, nutritivas e fáceis de serem reproduzidas nas cozinhas domésticas. |
Autoria: FREITAS, J. A. M.; MENDONÇA, G. M. N.; SANTOS, L. B.; ALONSO, J. D.; MENDES, J. F.; BARUD, H. S.; AZEREDO, H. M. C. de Edible films have been studied mainly as primary packaging materials, but they may be used as barrier layers between food components, e.g., by reducing the moisture migration between components with c... ... |
Autoria: ARIAS, D.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. A.; CONTINI, E.; FARINELLI, B.; MORRIS, M. Section 1. Introduction and motivation; Section 2: Evolution and sources of agriculture productivity growth; Section 3: Use of factors of agriculture production; Section 4: Is Brazil maximizing agricu... ... |
Autoria: GUIMARÃES, M. R. M.; ASCHERI, J. L. R.; STEPHAN, M. P.; VARGAS-SOLÓRZANO, J. W.; CARVALHO, C. W. P. de Nowadays, there is a growing market for gluten-free baked goods for vegans. Usually, thedough viscoelasticity to make gluten-free breads is achieved with ingredients derived from animal origin (egg an... ... |
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