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Autoria: SOUZA, J.; NASCIMENTO, A.; ARAÚJO, A.; LIMA, M.; PEREIRA, G. E. In the São Francisco Valley, Northeast of Brazil, tropical wines have been produced thirty years ago. |
Autoria: YURI, J. E.; COSTA, N. D.; LIMA, M. A. C. de; RESENDE, G. M. de; FERREIRA, T. D.; SILVA, M. C. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of mini tomato cultivars of determinate growth habit, in two crop seasons in the conditions of the Sub-Mid São Francisco Val... ... |
Autoria: SÁ, M. das G. R. de; OLIVEIRA, J. E. de M. Mealybugs are agricultural pests occurring all over the world. The Sao Francisco Valley is one of the most productive regions regarding the cultivation of fruit crops in Brazil, demanding a proper phy... ... |
Autoria: MOREIRA, W. A.; LOPES, D. B.; NUNES, Y. R.; PEREIRA, A. V. S.; MAGALHÃES, E. E. The Petrolina/Juazeiro pole, in the São Francisco Valley, responds for 95% of the mango exported from Brazil. |
Autoria: SOUZA, J. F. de; NASCIMENTO, A. M. de S.; COSTA, A. O.; SANTOS, S. F.; PEREIRA, G. E. The present work aimed to characterize two varieties of experimental wines from organic production: Barbera and Tempranillo cultivars, in the São Francisco Valley, Brazil. |
Autoria: CAMARGO, U. A.; TONIETTO, J.; MANDELLI, F.; AMORIN, F. M. The region of the São Francisco Valley, located at 9°S, has been increasing the production of fine wines during the last years. |
Autoria: LEAO, P. C. de S.; BRANDÃO, E. O.; GONCALVES, N. P. da S. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of red seedless grape cultivars on different rootstocks in the tropical environment of Submédio San Francisco Valley. |
Autoria: PONTES, G. M. de A.; ISHIKAWA, F. H.; OLIVEIRA, C. R. S. de; SILVA, F. B.; FELINTO FILHO, E. F.; LEAO, P. C. de S. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of table grape progenies in different locations in the Submédio São Francisco Valley. |
Autoria: SILVA, D. J.; FARIA, C. M. B. de; PINTO, J. M.; GAVA, C. A. T. The application of solublle fertilizers, chemically treated, is not permitted in organic agriculture. This work aimed to evaluate the bahavior of melon crop cultivated with natural phosfhate in sud-mi... ... |
Autoria: CARVALHO, E. S. S.; MAMEDE, M. E. de; NASSUR, R. de C. M. R.; CORREA, L. C.; NASCIMENTO, D. P. do; LEAO, P. C. de S.; BIASOTO, A. C. T. This study aimed to evaluate the phenolic composition of red wines cv. Syrah produced in the São Francisco River Valley, from vines grafted on different rootstocks in sparlier system. |
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