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Autoria: COSTA, F. de S.; FUZIKAWA, I. H. de S.; HENRIQUE, W.; AFERRI, G.; ALENCAR, M. M. de; ESTEVES, S. N.
Autoria: FRIEDMAN, A.; DALLA COSTA, F. A.; DALLA COSTA, O. A.; RYAN, A. G.; GIBSON, T. J. Abstract: Non-stunned slaughter has been extensively described for other farmed species but there has been limited research on waterfowl. The study assessed 34 White Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) (... ... |
Autoria: KICH, J. D.; COLDEBELLA, A.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. R.; CARDOSO, M. R. de I.; CORBELLINI, L. G.; COSTA, E. de F. The main goal of the veterinary inspection of animal products is to safeguard consumers’ health and ensure the production of healthy foods. It also shares with other sectors the responsibility for mee... ... |
Autoria: MORES, M. A. Z.; MORES, N.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. R.; KICH, J. D. Brazil is the fourth largest swine producer and pork exporter in the world, the slaughter under the federal meat inspection service achieved 37 million pigs in 2017 (https://sidra.ibge.gov.br). Brazil... ... |
Autoria: PAIM, D. S.; PISSETTI, C.; VIEIRA, T. R.; WERLANG, G. O.; COSTA, E. de F.; KICH, J. D.; CARDOSO, M. R. de I. ABSTRACT: Background: Despite a strong association between Salmonella isolation and slaughter hygiene, as measured by the Enterobacteriaceae levels on pre-chill carcass surfaces, a high variation in t... ... |
Autoria: BORBA, L. H. F.; REY, F. S. B.; FEITOSA, F. L. B.; SILVA, L. O. C. da; PEREIRA, A. S. C.; ALENCAR, M. M. de We obtained heritability and (co)variance component estimates for slaughter conformation scores at 420 days of age (SCS420), age at calving (first, AFC; second, ASC), calving occurrence until 38 month... ... |
Autoria: WERLANG, G. O.; PAIM, D. S; VIEIRA, T. R.; PISSETTI, C.; KICH, J. D.; CARDOSO, M. R. de I. Abstract : Salmonella Heidelberg has increasingly been reported as cause of human salmonellosis worldwide. In Brazil, S. Heidelberg has been reported in poultry but it is infrequently isolated from pi... ... |
Autoria: GOES, E. S. R.; LARA, J. A. F. de; GASPARINO, E.; DEL VESCO, A. P.; GOES, M. D.; ALEXANDRE FILHO, L.; RIBEIRO, R. P. Current study evaluated the effect of pre-slaughter stress on serum cortisol levels, pH, colorimetry, water-holding capacity (WHC) and gene expression of ryanodine receptors (RyR1 and RyR3) in the Nil... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, G. de A. C.; PRIMO, A. A.; MENESES, A. J. G.; ARAÚJO, M. D. M. de; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; GUEDES, F. L.; SOUZA, H. A. de Abstract: The application of organic composts derived from animal husbandry or agro-industry is a promising option to improve nutrient cycling and supply of soils and, consequently, forage production.... ... |
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