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*Content only available in Portuguese

A produção de geleia está limitada ao uso de pectina proveniente de citrus ou maçã. A tecnologia apresentada de produção de geleia utiliza base pectínica obtida de casca de maracujá silvestre (


Process: To obtain processed food (agroindustry)     Launch year: 2011     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

The recipe for the "nugget" contains plant ingredients that are used to make the product have sensory characteristics like texture, flavor, and appearance that resemble chicken nuggets. The product co ...

Product: Food     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

The kofta recipe contains plant ingredients that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to koftas made with products from anim


Product: Food     Launch year: 2022     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

The 'crab' cake recipe contains plant ingredients that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to actual crab cakes.



Product: Food     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

*Content only available in Portuguese

O Embrapa Invernada é um sistema avançado de apoio ao planejamento de produção de bovinos de corte. O sistema permite simular e comparar opções de manejo distintas, por meio de cenários que repres


Product: Software     Launch year: 2011     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

*Content only available in Portuguese

Pedúnculo de caju, mamona, restos culturais do abacaxi e maracujá são alimentos alternativos que podem reduzir os custos de produção na terminação de caprinos e ovinos. Do ponto de vista nutricion


Process: To obtain processed food (agroindustry)     Launch year: 2012     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Goats & Sheep

*Content only available in Portuguese

A pasta de amêndoa de castanha de caju é um alimento produzido à base de amêndoas, inteiras ou quebradas, fritas ou cruas. O produto assemelha-se ao creme de amendoim (peanut butter) bastante cons


Process: To obtain processed food (agroindustry)     Launch year: 2007     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry

*Content only available in Portuguese

Trata-se de prática agropecuária para o manejo da irrigação e qualidade de grãos do amendoim no Bioma Cerrado. A produção de amendoim é uma opção importante para o Cerrado por apresentar rentabili


Agricultural practice: For irrigation management     Launch year: 2003     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

The hamburger recipe contains plant ingredientes that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to hamburgers made from beef.

Product: Food     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

National equipment to analyze (processed or fresh) food quickly and non-destructively, using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. SpecFIT HR100 is robust, portable, easy to calibrate; it needs minimal main


Product: Machinery, implement, equipment     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Instrumentation