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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, V. C. de; BIMBI JUNIOR, S.; CORRÊA, A. S.; YANO, I. H.; BECKER, M.; LOPES, P. B.; BEDICKS JUNIOR, G. Abstract: The perpetual rise of the video on demand is currently one of the leading challenges the telecommunications industry faces. It per passes the eternal comparison with a service that continuou... ... |
Autoria: DRUCKER, D. P.; SALIM, J. A; TREKELS, M.; GROOM, Q.; PARR, C.; SOARES, F. M.; AGOSTINI, K.; SARAIVA, A. M.; MOLLOY, L.; HODSON, S.; GREGORY, A. Biodiversity is a data-intensive science and relies on data from a large number of disciplines in order to build up a coherent picture of the extent and trajectory of life on earth (Bowker 2000). The... ... |
Autoria: BASSI, N. S. S.; SILVA, C. DA S. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever e analisar os processos de comunicação científica e transferência de tecnologia da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), e de sua unidade de pesqui... ... |
Autoria: YANO, I. H.; CASTRO, A. de; GRANELLI, M. A.; CARVALHO, M. L. de; SILVA, F. C. da Information on product characteristics, such as nutritional value, target audience, method of use, the way in which they were produced, absence of pesticides, among others, as well as their traceabili... ... |
Autoria: SOUSA, D. N. de; BERALDO, K. A. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution of Government Procurement to the productive inclusion of family farmers in the context of the state of Tocantins. With a quantitative and qualitat... ... |
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