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Autoria: CARBONNEAU, A.; CARGNELLO, G.; OJEDA, H.; TONIETTO, J.; SCHULTZ, H. Since 1998, the GiESCO (previously named GESCO: Groupe d?Etude des Systèmes deCOnduite de la vigne) has provided the scientific community with relevant contributions tothe study of terroirs. Here is a... ... |
Autoria: AFONSO, A. S.; SEIXA, L. N.; MAIA, A F.; JARDIM, G. V.; AGUILA, L. S. H. D.; AGUILA, J. S. D.
Autoria: SOARES, M. S.; PARISOTO, P. P.; VIANNA, N. C. A.; HAMM. B. L.; ECKHARDT, D. P.; AGUILA, L. S. H. D.; AGUILA, J. S. D.
Autoria: NASCIMENTO, A.; SOUZA, J. de; FREITAS, S.; CORRÊA, L.; PEREIRA, G. E. Among the compounds contributing to the grape and wine qualities, phenolics play an important role. |
Autoria: SOUZA, J.; NASCIMENTO, A.; ARAÚJO, A.; LIMA, M.; PEREIRA, G. E. In the São Francisco Valley, Northeast of Brazil, tropical wines have been produced thirty years ago. |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; MANDELLI, F.; FIALHO, F. B. The objective of this work is to use the methodology of the Geoviticulture MCC System for estimating the viticultural climate change impact using the climatic indexes of the system: Heliothermal index... ... |
Autoria: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TROPICAL WINES, 5., 2016, Petrolina. The 5th International Symposium on Tropical Wines - ISTW 2016 was held in the Senac's auditorium in Petrolina city, from October 19th to 21st 2016, in the main tropical wine producing region in Brazil... ... |
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