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Autoria: COELHO, C. C. de S.; PEREIRA, A. da S.; SOARES, V. G.; BARBOZA, H. T. G.; SILVA, J. P. L. da; FREITAS-SILVA, O.; CABRAL, L. M. C. Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) are very popular fruits due to their attractive color and taste, nutritional values and the wide possibility of industrial processing. However, they have a sho... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, H. C.; SOUSA, C. P.; NASSU, R. T.; FORATO, L. A.; BERNARDES FILHO, R. Traditional packaging for meat provides short shelf life and undesirable modifications in its physicochemical characteristics and microbiological quality. |
Autoria: FORATO, L. A.; BRITTO, D. de; RIZZO, J. S. de; GASTALDI, T. A.; ASSIS, O. B. G. de Cashew gum (CG) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) based formulations have been evaluated as protective edible coatings on intact and cut red guavas. Samples were coated by dipping in aqueous mixtures o... ... |
Autoria: SANTANA, A. C.; CARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C.; MANDARINO, J. M. G.; LEITE, R. S.; SILVA, J. B. da; IDA, E. I. The shelf-life of the vegetable-type soybean pods stored under different conditions was evaluated by chemical characteristics and color. The pods were harvested in the R6 stage and stored either at 30... ... |
Autoria: SOARES, M. E.; BERNARDES FILHO, R.; FORATO, L. A.; COLNAGO, L. A.; NASSU, R. T. Zeins are hydrophobic proteins that can be extracted from maize grains or from corn gluten meal (CGM), which is a by-product of ethanol and starch production. |
Autoria: SILVA, M. L. B. P. da; LOPES, J. M.; VIEIRA, S. G. A.; ARAUJO, T. D. S.; CALVET, R. M.; PEREIRA, A. M. L.; FOGACA, F. H. dos S. The study developed a sensory scheme based on the Quality Index (QI) and estimated the shelf-life for whole tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818), stored in ice, assessing and determining the... ... |
Autoria: FINGER, F. L.; ALVARES, V. de S.; NEGREIROS, J. R. da S.; CALESTINE, C.; CASALI, V. W. D. Wilting is one of the major problems of parsley leaves in Brazilian retail stores. This study was conducted to determine the effect of postharvest replacement of water by submerging the parsley leaf b... ... |
Autoria: BARRETO, A. G.; SOBRAL, L. DE A.; GUERRA, A. F.; NOGUEIRA, R. I.; GODOY, R. C. B. de; FREITAS, S. P. In this work moisture sorption isotherms and shelf life of pinhão flour were evaluated at 20 ±1 °C using static gravimetric methods in an aw range of 0.011 to 1.0. Pinhão endosperm, after convective d... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, C.; SCHWARZ JÚNIOR, R.; PICHLER, H. A.; CARDOSO, O. R.; LAMOUR, M. R.; SPACH, H. L. The composition and structure of fish assemblages in the inner continental shelf of the Paraná State are affected by cold fronts and the rainfall regime. Data from fishing activities in this region, a... ... |
Autoria: RINALDI, M. M.; VIEIRA, E. A.; FIALHO, J. de F.; MALAQUIAS, J. V. The useful life of minimally processed cassava roots submitted to different conservation methods was evaluated. Cassava roots in natura were physically characterized, minimally processed and stored a... ... |
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