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Autoria: DUTRA, M. DA C. P.; VIANA, A. C.; PEREIRA, G. E.; NASSUR, R. de C. M. R.; LIMA, M. S. The concentration and reconstitution processes of grape juices can result in losing compounds associated with beverage quality. In this context, three tanks containing 50,000 L of grape juice were ind... ... |
Autoria: DUTRA, M. DA C. P.; VIANA, A. C.; PEREIRA, G. E.; NASSUR, R. de C. M. R.; LIMA, M. S. The concentration and reconstitution processes of grape juices can result in losing compounds associated with beverage quality. In this context, three tanks containing 50,000 L of grape juice were ind... ... |
Autoria: BIASOTO, A. C. T.; DUTRA, M. DA C. P.; AMORIM, T. A.; ARAÚJO, A. J. DE B. Traditional methods for producing grape juice involve steps such as destemming, crushing, maceration, pasteurization, and bottling, where the process yield (<70%) poses a problem for producing compani... ... |
Autoria: Canedo-Reis, N.A.P.; Silva, L. F.; GUERRA, C. C. Phenolic compounds, largely present in grapes, have demonstrated a high antioxidant capacity, which is intimately linked to their nutraceutical value. |
Autoria: TAVARES, I. M. de C.; CASTILHOS, M. B. M. de; MAURO, M. A.; RAMOS, A. M.; SOUZA, R. T. de; GÓMEZ-ALONSO, S.; GOMES, E.; DA-SILVA, R.; HERMOSÍN-GUTIÉRREZ, I.; LAGO-VANZELA, E. S. The BRS Violeta grape presents pulp and skin with high content of phenolic compounds (PCs) and intensepurplish color. It was used as raw material for the production of juice and dehydrated products us... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S.; SILVA, G.; PRUDÊNCIO, M.; FAGUNDES, J.; NASCIMENTO, A.; LINHARES, M.; OLIVEIRA, A.; LIMA, M.; PEREIRA, G. E. Currently the cultivation of grapes for grape juice production has gained ground in new regions of Brazil, as the example in the São Francisco Valley (SFV) located in the Northeastern of Brazil betwee... ... |
Autoria: DIAS, J. F.; SIMBRAS, B. D.; BERES, C.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; CABRAL, L. M. C.; MIGUEL, M. A. L.
Autoria: PEREIRA, G. E.; CONCEIÇÃO, M. A. F.; DUTRA, M. da C. P. D.; LIMA, M. dos S. L. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as características físico-químicas dos sucos elaborados com uvas do cultivar Isabel Precoce (Vitis labrusca), na região do Vale do Submédio São Francisco, consideran... ... |
Autoria: DUTRA, M. da C. P.; SILVA, A. B. M. da; FERREIRA, E. de S.; CARVALHO, A. J. de B. A.; LIMA, M. dos S.; BIASOTO, A. C. T. Grape juices are rich in bioactive compounds; however, for these compounds to exert their functionality, they must be bioaccessible. Thus, the present study evaluated a simulated digestion process on... ... |
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