21/03/17 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Caatinga cacti fight free radicals

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Photo: Samuel Portela

Samuel Portela -

A study led by Embrapa concluded that cacti from Semiarid Northeastern Brazil have shown potential as functional food. The research assessed the presence of bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in some species of the Cactaceae family. The researchers observed the presence of substances with recognized antioxidant activity such as betalains and phenolic compounds in plant parts and their fruits.

To evaluate the plants' nutraceutical potential, the researchers induced inflammation in macrophages − cells that help regulate immune response − and observed that, in the presence of extracts from different parts of the cactaceous plant, inflammation is not either suppressed or prevented. The research was carried out by Embrapa in partnership with the Federal University of Paraíba's Center of Agrarian Sciences (CCA/UFPB) and Texas A&M University, within the scope of the Embrapa Labex Program.

The phenolic compounds and betalains found in Cactaceae plants have a known antioxidant activity. Phenolic compounds are chemical structures found in plant tissue that are related to different aspects of the plants, such as aroma, color, astringency and oxidative stability. Meanwhile, batalains are natural pigments that vary from yellowish to reddish tones. “Betalains are chemically more active than phenolic compounds. They are more efficient as antioxidants”, Ricardo Elesbão explains. He recalls that some cacti present fruits whose purplish color resembles beetroot, which is one of the richest sources of betalains in nature.

The researcher explains that the bioactive compounds are generally secondary metabolites related to the plants' defense systems against ultraviolet radiation or aggressions from insects or pathogens. According to him, a bioactive compound can present a certain level of biological activity in vitro, but in vivo it may not be bioavailable or be quickly metabolized and excreted, hence ineffective.

Wealth in the Semiarid Northeast
As the study coordinator and Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry researcher Ricardo Elesbão reports, in recent years there has been a growing interest in different cactaceous species not only for their nutritional value, but also because they are sources of compounds such as betalains and phenolics, which are related to the promotion of health.

Despite such larger interest, the Cactaceae species that occur the caatinga biome are still understudied. “They are adapted native or exotic plants that can offer new uses, a potential that is often wasted”, says Ricardo Elesbão. The researcher's idea is to characterize the plants to encourage the production and consumption of cacti as food.
Another possibility is the production of dietary supplements. But the scientist advises that their consumption as food is more advantageous. The compounds found in foods can be isolated or even synthetically obtained, but they may not perform the same function observed in whole foods (fruit or plant part), where there can be several other associated compounds that work synergistically. “When a compound is isolated, a specific function, such as anti-inflammatory properties, can be reduced or even lost”, he explains.

Elesbão stresses that the cacti could be sustainably explored in their habitats. There are extensive areas of natural occurrence that can be conserved with the foraging or extraction of plant parts. “For instance, not so long ago, açaí used to come from native areas that were explored this way”, he says.

The researcher underscores that many cactaceous plants that were not included in the study can also present nutraceutical properties. To investigate the subject, Embrapa is planning a new project in partnership with research and education institutions. He emphasized that studies that assess the functional potential of this family will certainly be able to contribute to aggregating knowledge and value to the species and to the biomes where they occur.

Other studies
The research with cactaceous plants was one of the studies developed by the researcher Ricardo Elesbão during his time at the Embrapa Labex United States, between 2011 and 2014. He also dedicated himself to assessing the functional potential of other tropical fruit species such as acerola, pineapple and some species from the myrtle family. According to the researcher, the study results, which should be published soon, include finding in acerola cherries other substances besides their known vitamin C content with important biological activity. As for pineapple, the novelty is the concentration of compounds of interest in parts that are wasted.

The general aim of the research was to add value to extracts from native tropical fruit species, promoting them as healthy products against inflammation and associated chronic illnesses. The researcher recalls that Brazilian biodiversity today hosts between 15% and 20% of all plant, animal and microrganism species of the world. The worth of such biodiversity is estimated at trillions of dollars in products or discoveries that it can generate to the country.

“We need to take advantage of this biodiversity, so that besides being an important raw material exporter, the country can become a protagonist in a new world economy, based on the sustainable use of biodiversity and its resources, adding value to different production sectors”, the scientist states.

Besides foods, some products used by society in general originate from the national biodiversity, e.g. fibers, biomaterials, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, medicine, chemical products, oils and essences, among others. “It is necessary to characterize our species with regard to their real potential for bioactive compounds and the elaboration of new products derived from such rich biodiversity”, Elesbão concludes.

Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros

Verônica Freire (MTb 01225/CE)
Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry

Phone number: +55 85 3391-7116

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