Access to Information
The basic right of access to information is quoted in several international conventions as a principle which favors the exercise of citizenship, encouraging society to participate in the public management, as well as to guide the public Manager with regard to responsible administration of assets under its custody. The Constitution of 1988, called Citizen Constitution, guarantees in its article 5, XXXIII the basic right of access to information.
The Access to Information Act (No. 12.527/2011) reinforces and consolidates the country's commitment to transparency of public acts of direct and indirect administration, to establish that public agencies and entities must ensure a transparent process of information management, ensuring wide access and disclosure; availability, authenticity and integrity; protection of sensitive information and personal information - to protect the privacy of individual and public interests - and, eventually, restriction of access to information, in cases where the advertising of such information can put in risk the security of society or State.
Embrapa, by declaring its mission, incorporates these principles to show the company commitment for developing research and innovation and to adopt practices in developing institutional level of excellence in communication and technology transfer is designed for the benefit of Brazilian society.
Ombudsman responsible for the Service:
Ombudsman: Patrícia Rocha Bello Bertin
Office: Pesquisadora A
Date of investiture in office: 06/03/2024
Integrated Platform of Access to Information and Ombudsman services
Request access to information on the platform. -
Transparency Portal (by CGU)
To ease social control and monitoring of the use of public funds and resources. -
Access to Information from
Access to public information by the Brazilian Government such as consultation on requests and replies, publications, guidelines, and other services. -
Public Transparency Radar
It evaluates and disseminates the transparency of public institutions' portals, promoting integrity and accountability in public administration.
Embrapa's institutional information, roles, competencies, organisation structure, list and schedule of executive officers, working hours and legislation.
Agenda dos Dirigentes
Actions and programs
Information on the programmes, actions, projects and activities implemented by Embrapa.
Social participation
Information on public hearings, public consultations and other ways of fostering popular involvement.
Transfer of Federal Government funds made through agreements, contracts, terms of cooperation or similar instruments.
Information about asset balance and other spreadsheets related to financial statements.
Revenues and expenses
Information about detailed budget expenditure and financial performance.
Calls for tenders and contracts
Information about procurement processes and contracts with Embrapa.
TED - Termos de Execução Descentralizadas
Informações sobre TEDs executados pela Embrapa de forma direta, TEDs executados de forma descentralizada em Fundação de Apoio e TEDs de despesa. -
Information about salary ranges, staff numbers, benefits, and selection processes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about issues related to Embrapa’s activities.
About the Law of Access to Information - LAI
Information about Law 12,527/2011 (Law of Access to Information), themes related to the law, procedures to request access to information and appeal mechanisms, and access statistics.
Citizens' Information Service - SIC
Information about the Citizens' Information Service (SIC), regarding working hours, location and contact data referring to Embrapa.
Classified information
Embrapa's regulations about the documents addressed by items I and II of Art. 45 of Decree no. 7724/2012: List of Classified and Unclassified Information.
Institutional documents
Access and consult Embrapa's plans, reports, policies and other institutional documents.
Transparency and Accountability
Detailed and full information about Embrapa's public funding and its management to achieve the administration's goals.
Electronic noticeboard
Access to information about contracts, calls for tenders, and other public processes done by Embrapa.
General Personal Data Protection Law
Learn how we protect the data you provide us and the way you can access, modify or even remove them from our databases, according to the Brazilian General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD, acronym in the Portuguese; Law n. 13709/2018). -
Partnerships with Support Foundations
Information about the relationships of accredited and authorized foundations that act as support foundations to Embrapa. -
Uso de Inteligência Artificial na Embrapa
Esta página apresenta como a Embrapa tem utilizado ferramentas de IA, detalha algumas das tecnologias em uso, o compromisso ético da instituição, e os próximos passos para expandir o uso prático dessa tecnologia em suas atividades.