As a public research, development and innovation company, Embrapa aims to provide new knowledge, products, processes and services for the Brazilian agricultural sector. The work of research carried out from north to south of Brazil - and even abroad - results in a science-driven agriculture, based on information and solutions that increase the competitiveness and the sustainability of the national agriculture.
How our research is organized
Embrapa's research is organized into portfolios, which are tools to frame the production of solutions in research, development and innovation (RD&I). There are currently 34 portfolios created with the aim of finding solutions for national, institutional and government demands, and/or for regional, biome or production chain-specific demands.
The programs are a management tool at a level between Embrapa's portfolios and projects. They encompass interrelated projects that are coordinated so as to increase impacts and results, which would not be obtained from the individual management of the projects. Embrapa currently has five types of program.
The projects are the basic unit of the Embrapa Management System (SEG, from the acronym in Portuguese). They are a set of temporary targeted efforts to generate products, processes and other results. On Embrapa's web portal thousands of projects can be searched through keywords or categories.
Research, development and innovation partnerships
Embrapa fosters Open Innovation projects in the production sector, which means that it seeks public and private partnerships for research, creation, development, infrastructure-sharing, and others. We have a portfolio of assets at different levels of technology readiness available for partnerships. There are countless categories and opportunities to innovate with us.
Full catalogue of technologies that resulted from research by Embrapa and partners.
Public policies
Embrapa's contributions for public policies. -
Multiuser labs
Access to multiuser labs and lab analyses.
Access to materials and library services. -
Research data
Dashboards with open research data.
Scientific production
Papers, books and other publications.
Mixed RDI Units
Skills, infrastructure, human resources and funds shared by Embrapa and other institutions. -
International cooperation
Scientific cooperation with international institutions for the advancement of Brazilian agriculture.
Embrapa's research activities are coordinated by the Directorate of Research and Development, supervised by the Secretariat of Research and Development, and operated by research teams distributed in our Decentralized Units and Mixed Research and Innovation Units.
Our research staff is formed by 2,133 researchers, 84% of whom have PhD or postdoctoral training from universities in Brazil and abroad, and who network with institutions of the National Agricultural Research System (SNPA) and with researchers from many parts of the world.
Innovation macroprocess
It is the way Embrapa organizes processes and partnerships to fulfill its mission. These processes are:
1. Strategic Intelligence and Planning;
2. Research;
3. Development and Validation;
4. Technology Transfer;
5. Adoption monitoring; and
6. Impact Assessment.
Each stage generates information for subsequent stages, feeding back into Embrapa's workflow, strategic intelligence and planning.
Strategic Goals
Embrapa's research is guided by a plan that includes strategic short, medium and long-term goals and targets. They were defined based on a diagnosis of current agriculture and trends for the future, evidence contained in comprehensive data sources, studies, and data collection. Access the full Embrapa Master Plan.