Science to transform life
Agricultural research results and positive impacts on the economy, the environment and on consumers' tables
Agroindustry has approximately a 5.9% share of the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as it processes agricultural products and raw materials, thus promoting a broader integration of rural environments with the market economy. Agricultural research has contributed to improving the quality of agroindustrial products by offering innovative technological solutions of major impact, e.g. food biofortification, a process used to increase nutritional contents of micronutrients like specific vitamins and minerals, through conventional plant breeding techniques or through biotechnology. Another example is the development of mini-factories to thresh cotton in the production unit itself and the cashew nut minifactories to obtain a higher ratio and higher quality of whole, white almonds. Learn more about other Embrapa contributions below.
The development of alternatives for the processing of green coconut shells helps reduce the inadequate disposal of solid waste and provides a new ...
The mini gin was developed with the aim of ginning the cotton seeds in the very own production unit that integrates a cotton farmer association or...
Embrapa has developed a mini mobile gin and bale presser to process production in each property, which stimulates the cultivation of organic color...