Science to transform life

Agricultural research results and positive impacts on the economy, the environment and on consumers' tables


Incrementing food production with environmental responsibility is a constant challenge for agricultural research. Did you know that several technological solutions generate positive environmental impact? The adoption of best practices for Brazil nut production in natural Amazon forests, for example, contributes to the conservation of Brazil nut trees and improve food security. Other technologies, such as the Biodigestive Septic Tank, combines environmental gains with robust economic returns. Embrapa studies demonstrate that for each R$ 1.00 invested in sanitation through the Biodigester Septic Tank, a return of R$ 4.60 to society is possible. Learn more about some of such contributions from agricultural research below.

Sustainable extraction Sustainable extraction

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice

O tratamento silvicultural de corte de cipós em castanheiras é uma prática agropecuária que quando aplicada em árvores com média a alta infestação...

Fishery Fishery

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Management Management

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Integrated systems Integrated systems

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural System

A integração lavoura‑pecuária-floresta consiste na implantação de diferentes sistemas produtivos de grãos, fibras, carne, leite, agroenergia, entr...

Integrated pest management Integrated pest management

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice

O Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP-Soja) é um conjunto de tecnologias que utilizado harmonicamente permite a condução da lavoura por meio de tática...

Fertility Fertility

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Water Water

Agricultural practice

Small dams are small drainage ditches excavated in the soil in the shape of a circle or a half moon, with average diameter of 16 m and average dep...

Harvest Harvest

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Waste processing Waste processing


Powder mix made from reutilized coconut shells processed and mixed with a number of bionutrient sources available on farm. High water efficiency, ...


The development of alternatives for the processing of green coconut shells helps reduce the inadequate disposal of solid waste and provides a new ...

Software Software

Agricultural practice

Modeflora is a process of forest planning that employs different digital technologies to map the forest and generate information to facilitate pla...

Sanitation Sanitation

*Content only available in Portuguese


Tecnologia que trata o esgoto do vaso sanitário (a água com urina e fezes humanas), de fácil instalação e custo acessível, produz um efluente que ...

Agrochemical reduction Agrochemical reduction

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Mapping/Zoning Mapping/Zoning


It is an application, for Android operating system, available free of charge on Google Play, which helps producers and agents in the agribusiness ...