Embrapa Agroenergy
Key resources
Key Resources
The main resource we rely on to fulfill our mission of developing innovative solutions for the bio-based industry is our human capital. We have a multidisciplinary team of 88 employees (29 researchers, 46 R&D analysts, 8 technicians and 5 assistants) dedicated to our core business, trained in the main Brazilian universities and research centers abroad, in different areas of knowledge.
To our staff, we add the network of Embrapa units, with more than 2,416 researchers, which can be partners to enrich the competencies of the project teams. We also have qualified support staff that operates in processes ranging from People Management, Financial Resources, Assets, Infrastructure and Logistics to Communication. We also have a team of 10 employees dedicated exclusively to technology transfer, whose work covers Innovation Management, Cooperation, Intellectual Property, Technological Information, Assets and Technologies and, finally, Technological Business.
To perform the research and development activities of our technologies, we count on thematic laboratories, experimental and multi-user areas, support laboratories, researchers' offices and the whole management and technology transfer part, which occupy an area of about 10,000 m², in a building built with sustainability precepts. In total, approximately 3,000 m² are occupied by the thematic laboratories that are distributed in a building block with four floors in our headquarters building. Outside, vegetation houses support the experiments with vegetable crops. We also have two experimental areas: an adjacent area with research on the premises of Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF), where the Center for Support to Energy Crops (NACE) operates, and another on the Sucupira Farm (Riacho Fundo II, DF), with about 40 hectares, where field experiments are carried out.