Science to transform life

Agricultural research results and positive impacts on the economy, the environment and on consumers' tables


Brazil is one of the largest soybean producers. The 2015/2016 crop year totalled 196.5 million tons and it is estimated that it should reach 255 million tons in ten years. Growing wheat in the Cerrado, making dwarf barley cultivars available to prevent losses from lodging, and supplying technologies that enable intercropping maize with pastures are examples of achievements in Brazilian grain production. Other gains result from the organization of different stakeholders, such as the Anti-rust Consortium, a partnership between public and private institutions to standardize and publicize information on Asian rust, a common disease in soybean crops. Learn more about some of such contributions from agricultural research below.

Soybeans Soybeans

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Water Water

Agricultural practice

Small dams are small drainage ditches excavated in the soil in the shape of a circle or a half moon, with average diameter of 16 m and average dep...

Management Management

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Barley Barley

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O Brasil produz hoje a média de 300 mil toneladas de cevada/ano, o que representa apenas 43% do consumo suprido com importações. Caso o país fabri...

Coffee Coffee

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A BRS 3210 é uma das dez cultivares clonais híbridas de café – cruzamento de conilon e robusta – desenvolvidas pela Embrapa para a região Amazônic...

Rice Rice


BRS Pampas is a distinguished product in the market as it combines high yield potential and excellence in grain quality in the same technological ...

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A BRS 358 é uma cultivar de arroz irrigado de grãos médios, arredondados, podendo ser utilizada como cateto, enquanto integral, ou para a culinári...

Beans Beans

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Soybean management Soybean management

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Cowpeas Cowpeas


BRS Tapaihum, which in the language of the Pataxó indigenous people means black, is a cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata) cultivar with black tegumen ...


BRS Pujante is a cowpea cultivar that is always green with long beans and pods. It is recommended for rainfed cultivation in the first half of the...

Maize Maize


Early cycle corn cultivar of the variety type. Recommended for family farming, in conditions of normal and late season. A low-investment alternati...

Wheat Wheat


Wheat is an important cultivation option for Central Brazil, both for grain production and for the use of stubble in no-till farming systems. The crop ...


The cultivar BRS 394, known as the 'Cerrado improved wheat', was developed for irrigated cultivation in the Cerrado region of Central Brazil. Precocit ...

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As cultivares de trigo duplo-propósito servem tanto para a produção de grãos, quanto para o pastejo dos animais. Trigos com esse perfil tem ciclo ...

Software Software

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Integrated systems Integrated systems

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Zoning Zoning


It is an application, for Android operating system, available free of charge on Google Play, which helps producers and agents in the agribusiness ...

Sorghum Sorghum

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O sorgo granífero BRS 373 é um híbrido de sorgo granífero desenvolvido especialmente para os plantios em sistemas de sucessão à soja. Seu ciclo su...

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O BRS 658 é um híbrido de sorgo forrageiro desenvolvido pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo para atender a demanda por maior eficiência e melhor qualidade ...