Science to transform life

Agricultural research results and positive impacts on the economy, the environment and on consumers' tables


The adoption of technologies in Brazilian farming has modernized the livestock sector, with sustainably-based increased production and productivity. In the last 40 years, the production of poultry meat increased 22 times; pork meat, 4 times; milk, 4 times; and the production of beef, 4 times. Research in genetics, advances in the control of pests and diseases, and pasture improvements raised the average output rate from 11% to 22% in the Brazilian beef cattle herd. Five Embrapa forage cultivars are responsible for nearly 80% of the national market and led Brazil to become the top exporter of tropical forage seeds in the world. With the "light swine", research contributed to the development of animals with lower fat percentages that today represent the standard of the national herd. Annual milk production doubled in the last 20 years, and the increase occurred not only due to the expansion of the herd, but also due to increased productivity of the cows, stemming from the incorporation of technologies. Learn more about some of such contributions from agricultural research below.

Genetics Genetics

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Pasture management Pasture management

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Water Water

Agricultural practice

Small dams are small drainage ditches excavated in the soil in the shape of a circle or a half moon, with average diameter of 16 m and average dep...

Zoning Zoning


It is an application, for Android operating system, available free of charge on Google Play, which helps producers and agents in the agribusiness ...

Pasture Pasture

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O capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia-1) é uma alternativa para áreas de solo com maior fertilidade, permitindo ao produtor dive...

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Tem como principais características resistência às cigarrinhas-das-pastagens, alta produção de forragem, persistência, boa capacidade de rebrota, ...

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O capim-mombaça é uma alternativa para áreas de solo com maior fertilidade, sendo indicada na diversificação das pastagens em sistemas intensivos ...

Herd management Herd management


The Full Bucket Program is a technology transfer methodology that builds capacity of professionals in the areas of technical assistance, rural ext...

Forage plants Forage plants

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Agricultural practice

A diversificação de pastagens, com a introdução do amendoim forrageiro nos sistemas de produção tradicionais da Amazônia é uma alternativa para me...

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As cultivares de trigo duplo-propósito servem tanto para a produção de grãos, quanto para o pastejo dos animais. Trigos com esse perfil tem ciclo ...

Sanitation Sanitation

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O principal objetivo do desenvolvimento do imunoterápico foi o de gerar uma estratégia alternativa para o controle da pitiose equina, eliminando a...

Integrated system Integrated system

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Agricultural practice

A viabilidade técnica e econômica da utilização do sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária para a renovação de pastagens e terminação de bovinos em...

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Agricultural System

A integração lavoura‑pecuária-floresta consiste na implantação de diferentes sistemas produtivos de grãos, fibras, carne, leite, agroenergia, entr...

Software Software

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A Roda da Reprodução 2.0 é um aplicativo móvel para auxiliar no gerenciamento de rebanhos leiteiros. A ferramenta permite acompanhar o crescimento...


It is an app for mobile devices that allows quick and integrated access to the characteristics of the main tropical forage cultivars either launch...