Fruit and Vegetables
Science to transform life
Agricultural research results and positive impacts on the economy, the environment and on consumers' tables
Fruit and vegetables
Brazil is the third largest fruit producer in the world with about 45 million tons a year, of which 65% are consumed domestically and 35% are destined to the foreign market. Meanwhile, the Brazilian vegetables market is highly diversified and segmented, and the production volume is concentrated into six species - potato, tomato, watermelon, lettuce, onion and carrot, of which family farming is responsible for over half of production. The domestication of native species like the guarana plant, for instance, so that they are more productive and resistant to diseases, is an advance that stemmed from agricultural research. Other technologies, such as early dwarf cashew clones, make production economically viable even in adverse climate conditions. It is also the dissemination of technologies that has allowed Brazil to produce grapes in Semiarid areas and have two mango harvests. Learn more about some of such contributions from agricultural research below.
BRS Noçoquém was obtained from clone selection within the Guaranazeiro Genetic Improvement Program of Embrapa Western Amazon. This cultivar stands...
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Water and soils
Agricultural practice
Small dams are small drainage ditches excavated in the soil in the shape of a circle or a half moon, with average diameter of 16 m and average dep...
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A BRS Isis é uma cultivar de uva sem sementes, de cor vermelha, sabor neutro e agradável. Ela permite aumentar a oferta e a qualidade de uvas para...
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A BRS Núbia é uma cultivar de uva de mesa preta com sementes, de bagas naturalmente grandes que dispensam o uso de reguladores de crescimento. Seu...
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A BRS Vitória é uma cultivar de uva de mesa preta sem sementes, com sabor aframboesado extremamente agradável, bem adaptada ao cultivo em todas as...
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Agricultural System
Há mais de uma década, as áreas irrigadas do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco respondem por mais de 90% das uvas exportadas pelo Brasil. O mercad...
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A mandioquinha-salsa, também conhecida por batata-baroa, batata-salsa ou batata-aipo, é uma hortaliça originária dos Andes, sendo cultivada em reg...
It is an application, for Android operating system, available free of charge on Google Play, which helps producers and agents in the agribusiness ...
Production technologies
Agricultural practice
Viruses are diseases that bring a lot of economic damage to garlic production, causing losses of 30 to 50% in productivity, especially because thi...
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A cultivar de tomate BRS Nagai é um híbrido do tipo saladete indicado para cultivo em todas as regiões produtoras do país, em campo aberto ou em a...
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Agricultural System
A manga é uma das principais frutas tropicais exportadas pelo Brasil. Do volume comercializado no mercado externo mais de 95% é colhido em pomares...